

Material: concrete slabs
Description: heavy closure, completely opaque


Material: concrete
Description: heavy closure, completely opaque


Material: metal
Description: heavy closure, completely opaque


Material: metal
Description: metal net without any opening

Variety of obstructions that prevent the crossing or passing of pedestrians and vehicles. Created with the aim of stopping Palestinian access to areas where Israel is interested in retaining control (in case of the Hebron ? area H2). As well as checkpoints, they were employed to create a buffer zone, separating Palestinian neighborhoods from Jewish settlements. The most common closures present in Hebron are concrete blocks, trenches and walls.

The policy of creating buffer spaces entails the systematic impairment of Palestinian freedom of movement in the city and often violates Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stating that ?everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state?. In addition Article 12 of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights requires Israel to respect the right of residents of the occupied territories to move about freely in the occupied area.