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Articles . Reports . Documentaries


  • Shoshan, Malkit and Tauz, Vitala, Territoria, illustration of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, 2002.
    (Online) Available at:
  • Malkit Shoshan, Atlas of the conflict: Israel-Palestine, (nai010 publishers, April 2013).
  • Eyal Weizman, Hollow Land: The Barrier Archipelago and the Impossible Politics of Separation, in Against the Wall: Israel’s Barrier to Peace, ed. Michael Sorkin (New York: New Press, 2005)
  • Alessandro Petti, Arcipelaghi e enclave (Milano: Mondadori, 2007).
  • Eyal Weizman, Hollow land Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation, (Verso, 2007).
  • Nurhan Abujidi, Urbicide in Palestine: Spaces of Oppression and Resilience, (Routledge, February 2014).


Online Archives


  • Jawad Abu Aesheh (Youth Against Settlements)
  • Issa Amro (Youth Against Settlements)
  • Azza family, Salaymeh family, Sharabati family , Al Hadad family, Abu Eisheh family, Abed Al Raoof Mohtaseb, Jabari family, Zakyeh Mahmoud Qasrawi family.