One of the most photographed checkpoints in Hebron. It is a symbol of the occupation, separating area H1 from H2 and closing the entrance to Al-Shu-hada Street. In its current state (since October 2015), it has become one of the cruelest images of the occupation. Its heavy structure represents all of the elements of the Israeli machine of control. Composed of a container equipped with a control room and metal detec-tor, watch point on the top ofthe roof and three passages the first leading to the container, the second allowing residents to leave the site after having been checked, and a third one serv-ing as an exit from Al-Shuhada Street. All elements are secured by a metal net giving the whole structure the impression of a cage. The checkpoint is perma-nently staffed by soldiers. Since October 2015, only holders of residential numbers are allowed to pass, which forbids residents even from visits to relatives if they do not live in the area. HAJEZ BAB A-ZAWIYACheckpoint 561 AL-SHUHADA STREET حاجز باب الزاوية Al-Shuhadastreet
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